Installation art is not just about making paintings or sculptures. It is a kind of art that uses the area it is in to help people enjoy it. It includes exhibits with sound, live performances, video and even the Internet . People who experience installation art often have to use different senses at the same time , not only sight, but also hearing , smell and touch .You can find installation art in galleries , but also in public places ,and it can be permanent or last for just a few hours, days or weeks.The main point is not only to look at the art but to experience it and feel part of the art ,too.
In 2009, Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo created an installation called Melting Men. She created a thousand tiny ice sculptures of men and placed them in a sitting position on steps in a squarecin Berlin. They quickly began to melt and were soon just a puddle of water. The melting Men installation has appeared in various cities, like Paris,Florence,Havana and Sao Paulo. Azevedo is installation is more than just art. She wants people to become aware of the melting ice caps at the poles and how this can cause water levels to rise . Her art sends a warning to humanity.
In 2012, the contemporary art studio Random International turned one of the room at the Barbican Centre in London into a Rain Room. Rain fell from the ceiling of the room non-stop. Visitor could hear, see and even smell the rain, but when they walked through the room , they did not get wet. Eight digital cameras followed each visitor and a computer stopped the rain above them. This made the people feel they were in control of the rain . Random International saw the installation as a social experiment and were interested in people is reactions.