Desdiv 7 reassigned to Desron 1, Fifth Fleet.
10 January:
Relief of Lieutenant Commander Suga (to C.O. AMATSUKAZE) by Lieutenant Commander Hashimoto Masao [56] (prev. C.O. FUYO) ordered but never realized due to SAZANAMI's sinking and Suga's death with her. (Lieutenant Commander Hashimoto to C.O. SHIRAKUMO instead.)
12-14 January:
With AKEBONO, departed Rabaul to join tanker convoy en route from Palau to Truk. Sunk: torpedoed by USS ALBACORE (SS-218) 300 miles southeast of Yap (05-15 N, 141-15 E). Two torpedo hits caused ship to break-up and sink in under three minutes with 153 dead, including Lieutenant Commander Suga; 89 survivors rescued by AKEBONO.