Many studies on the important criteria of service quality in the airline industry have focused on the customers point of view. Because SERVQUAL is technically a measurement skeleton for the service industry, Clifford, Cun- ningham, and Moonkyu a 994 implemented it as the benchmark for service quality evaluations of airlines and found that "reliability" was the dominant predictor of satisfaction and that both "reliability and empathy" influenced customer retention criernan, Rhoades, & Waguespack, 2008). Adapting their model from SERVQUAL, Gilbert & Wong (2003) analyzed the dimensions of service quality in the airline industry and concluded that passengers mainly considered six factors as important attributes of superior service quality pro- by airlines. Those factors are reassurance, facilities, em- ployees, patterns, customization, and responsiveness. Pakdil & Aydin introduced a service quality measurement based on employees, tan gibles, responsiveness, reliability and assurance, image, and empathy. The added that dimensions of flight patterns and availability were also important research showed that responsiveness" was measurements. Their the key dimension for Turkish passengers whereas "availability" was the least important factor influencing customers' perceptions of airline quality.