soil moisture are also presentedin Fig. 4 for illustrative purposes.
The first flood wave, which led to the territory flooding in
the period from 142 to 168 JD, corresponded to the catastrophic
flood originated due to the superposition of snowmelt and storm
floods resulting in the catastrophic flood and inundation. The
second flood, observed from 174 to 190 JD, was less significant
and did not cause any disastrous consequences. It was induced
by deglaciation and melting snowfields in the Altai Mountains.
For the second site (graph 2), located 70 km downstream, it
is clear that floodplain inundation was observed from 144 to
168 JD with its maximum on the 157 day. The maximum
flooding of the third site (graph 3), located at a distance of
300 km from the first, fell on 165 JD.