Studies have shown that the lighting constitutes a significant portion in the country total electricity consumption. For example, according to
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Swedish Energy Agency report, the lighting portion in the country is around 23% of the total electricity consumption (Bladh and Krantz, 2008). However, the electricity used by the households in Sweden for electric lights and other electric appliances has been more than doubled during the last decades (Ek and Soderholm,¨ 2010). US Department of Energy report (DoE, 2012a) concludes that the percentage of lighting in US total energy consumption was 7% (700 TWh) and 18 % of the total electricity consumption in 2010.
Lighting also consumes a significant amount of world energy resources. According to 2011 statistics, lighting consumes 7.2% of the developed world’s primary energy resources and responsible for 430 109 kg of carbon emission