1. InstaLauncher: Quickly access your favorite apps with a simple gesture.
2. BrowserTabs: Quickly switch Tabs.
3. Shortcuts: Add 3D Touch functionality to older devices.
4. Tether: Set alarm, calender event by triple tapping on the springboard.
5. SleepFX: Add cool animations while locking your device.
6. Pegasus: Detach videos so you can move it anywhere.
7. Badgomizer: Customize the badges in any way you like.
8. iProtect: Open any apps using TouchID or Passcode.
9. HotDog: Customize the LockScreen of your device.
10. Cylinder: Add cool animations while sliding through homescreen pages.
11. GrabberApp8: Replaces the Camera grabber with your favorite apps.
12. Record’n’Torch: Turn on or off the flash while recording video.
13. iWidgets: Add beautifull widgets to the homescreen.
14. Polus: Add more apps to the quick launch.
15. Statusbar color: Customize the color of the status bar.
16. RomanPasscode: Replaces the numeric passcode with roman passcode.
17. SBPowerAlert: Access various actions like reboot, power off & more using gesture.
18. FaceDown: Lock the device just by facing it downwards.
19. TransparentVolume8: Change the transparency of the volume button.
20. Folder6Plus: Add folders inside folder.
21. SwitcherFlipper: Changes the side of the app switcher in opposite direction.
22. Mutiny: Mutes conversations from message list.
23. StealthCam: Take pictures with the device locked.
24. SwipeHome: Swipe up the homecard to close all the running apps.
25. FullFolder9: Use folders in full screen mode.
26. RecordPause: Pause/Continue the video recording with a simple touch.
27. BreadcrumbsAway: Dismiss ‘Back to app’ on the left corner.
28. HideSettingSearch: Hide the search bar from the settings menu.
29. No Carrier: Remove the carrier text from the top left status bar.
30. TimeUntilAlaram: Displays the time left untill the alram goes off.
31. SaveGram: Save photos from instagram.
32. UniversalMute: Mutes every sound on your device.
33. Icon Renamer: Renames the icon of your device.
34. StatusBarTimer: Displays Stopwatch time on the statusbar.
35. PhotoSize: Shows the size of the selected photos.
36. SleekCode: Passcode screen customization.
37. Alkaline: Customizes the bettery icon.
38. SafariTabCount: Shows the number of tabs open.
39. BatteryLife: Shows detailed info about the battery life on your device.
40. FakeCarrier: Changes the carrier text as you desire.
41. BatteryIcon: Adds live battery icon to the homescreen.
42. BlurryBadges: Add blurred effect to the badges.
43. GlowBadge: Replaces a normal badge with a glowing effect.
44. StatusHUD 2: Displays the volume control on the status bar.
45. SharePro: Add a beautiful floating share option on homescreen.
46. Speed Intensifier: Speeds up the animation of the device.
47. DockShift: Customize the dock with various options.
48. Circleicons: Add circle icons on the setting menu.
49. Almpoum: Add features to screenshots.
50. BytaFont 3: Change the font of your device.