though not necessarily always strategically using marketing,
are clearly undertaking marketing activities indicative of them having a marketing perspective.
However, one overarching concern seen throughout the data relates to stakeholders and publics.
All staff seemed to consider the issue of marketing to a range of publics as important.
It was, though, the internal publics, including other staff and departments, that appears to be the most crucial in some respects.
It was clear that support for marketing throughout the organisation needed to be nurtured, cultivated and grown with appropriate internal strategies.
The evidence suggests that it is vital to have a culture within a museum that will allow
marketing to have a strategic role, as well as a tactical role.
For the most part,
such a culture was apparent,
though perhaps embryonic,
in the museums studied.
However, there is no doubt that the absence of a culture that sees marketing as having a strategic role within general museum policy is still a concern in some parts of all the museums.
There are, then, considerable implications here for any museum wishing to increase its marketing focus.