Since the idea of using probiotic starter cultures in sausage fermentation has developed,
several lactic acid bacteria have been screened for their capacity to survive their passage through the human gastrointestinal tract และ their possible in - site actions. Lb. curvatus strain RM10
และ Pd. Acidilactici strain P2, isolated from freeze - dried commercial meat starter cultures,
exhibited the strongest capacity for surviving acidic conditions
และ 0.30% bile salts (Erkkila and Petaja 2000 ).
The suitability of three probiotic Lb. rhamnosus strains (GG, E - 97800, and LC - 705) to produce dry sausage has been demonstrated by Erkkila et al. (2001) .
A very effective screening procedure has been suggested by Pennacchia et al. (2004) , leading to the isolation of twenty potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains, eleven of which exhibited good adhesion capability to Caco – 2 cell layers, most of them belonging to Lb.plantarum group (Pennacchia et al. 2006 ).
Klingberg และ Budde (2006) demonstrated the capacity of two Lb. plantarum strains to survive the passage through the human GIT either as freeze - dried culture หรือ embedded in a sausage matrix. Microencapsulation has
also been proposed as an alternative for the incorporation of either probiotic
หรือ bacteriocinogenic strains. In the latter case, though, the inhibitory action of reuterin, producing
Lb. reuteri against E. coli O157:H7, was found to be reduced during sausage fermentation
compared with that of the free microorganism (Muthukumarasamy and Holley 2006, 2007 ).