The driver of all this connectivity is essentially the desire to “add value” to products or services. From a corporate perspective, this added value can come from increased revenues (e.g., a $100 handset turns into a $600 smartphone with the right connectivity and application software) or decreased costs (e.g., connecting one’s trucking fleet can save on productivity, gas, maintenance, etc.). Cisco published a fascinating white paper outlining what it calls the Internet of Everything (IoE) index. It calculates that businesses are already generating $613 billion of additional profits annually due to the connection of devices to the Internet (mostly the impact of connecting computers/mobile devices). Cisco calculates that this represents only 50% of the potential of the Internet to drive profits, with $14.4 trillion of net profit likely to be generated by corporations over the next decade if the Internet of Things is embraced. In essence, it has taken 15 years or so for companies to harness about 50% of the productivity potential of the Internet, and the next 50% of productivity gains likely requires connecting things.