Question Master Game
This activity is based on the lesson from the textbook (Page 105-110) Let the students get into teams of 2-3 and ask the questions provided in Thai and let the students brainstorm the correct English question in their teams. (If you feel that the questions are too easy or too hard for particular classes, please feel free to adjust the level by using harder words or similar questions with harder or easier grammatical formats!)
Let the students write their answers (The correct English Question) down and the teacher should walk around to check their answers. If their answer is perfect (eg. How long does it take to fly to London?), they get 1 point and if it’s understandable (up to the teacher’s discretion eg. How long take to fly London?), they get 0.5 and if the answer is way off the mark (eg. How time use fly go London?) they get 0. Keep playing by randomly selecting questions from all the different formats. After the session is over, let the students calculate their total points to see which team will be the winner. You can either give them a prize (School books or DVDs) or let them all chip in 10 baht each per person and the winner takes all!
When you teach the questions, you should also teach the positive and negative answers to those questions as well so that the students know that the answers relate with the questions.
Question : Where do you come from? / What did you buy?
Positive : I come from Thailand. / I bought some food.
Negative :Negative : I don’t come from Taiwan. / I didn’t buy anything.