“Neymar if she moved on you need to do that as well. You can’t sit here and sulk. You are a grown man and you should behave like one. You told her that you would let her go, why did you do that if you didn’t want to let her go? You should have fought for her. You can’t blame her now for moving on, because you agreed to let her go” Marcela said. “I know I did, but I thought it was for the best. I thought I could get over her and move on. I lied to myself that it was possible and now I’m facing the consequences” I sighed. “I don’t know what advice to give you anymore Neymar. If she has moved on and found her happiness, then you should let her be” she said. I hugged Marcela tightly and rested my head on her shoulder. “Neymar, I hate to see you so unhappy” she sighed and stroked my hair. “Thanks Marcela, you are my rock” I said and kissed her cheek. “I have some stuff to do” I said to Marcela. “What?” she asked, surprised. “I have made a decision” I said and quickly headed to my bedroom. I pulled out my phone and called someone who would help me, hopefully.
[Olivia’s POV]
The week passed sooner than expected and I was glad that it was finally weekend. I needed to change my bedsheets and do some cleaning at home. I had been so busy at work and did some overtime too so I didn’t have time to do my chores at home. I only needed to epilate, shave and do all those female things. It was evening by the time I was done with my chores. I took a long and relaxing bath after the hair removal routine. “Olive, parents and I are going to see aunt Celia” Adrian yelled. “Okay guys, have fun” I yelled back. Aunt Celia was my dad’s sister. She was old and a bit annoying, because she complained about anything and everything. I didn’t get along with her that well, but Adrian did. So when Adrian told us yesterday, I told them clearly that I wouldn’t be coming. They knew I disliked her, so they didn’t force me to go with them.
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