What can I do if I am being treated unfairly or bullied at work?
If you are being treated unfairly or bullied at work because of your religion or belief, take action as quickly as possible. You could try:
telling the person to stop
telling your manager or someone else higher up in the organisation
talking to your personnel department or trade union.
If none of these things work, you may wish to raise a grievance and think about making a claim to an employment tribunal.
There are strict time-limits and procedures for making a claim to an employment tribunal. If you think you may need to do this, you should get advice, for example, from a Citizens Advice Bureau. To search for your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by e-mail, click on nearest CAB.
For more information about what you can do about discrimination because of your religion at work, including making a claim to an employment tribunal, see What can I do if my employer treats me unfairly because of religion or belief? In Employment fact sheets.
For more information about taking out a grievance at work, see Sorting out problems at work.
What can I do if I am being treated unfairly or bullied at work?If you are being treated unfairly or bullied at work because of your religion or belief, take action as quickly as possible. You could try:telling the person to stoptelling your manager or someone else higher up in the organisationtalking to your personnel department or trade union.If none of these things work, you may wish to raise a grievance and think about making a claim to an employment tribunal.There are strict time-limits and procedures for making a claim to an employment tribunal. If you think you may need to do this, you should get advice, for example, from a Citizens Advice Bureau. To search for your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by e-mail, click on nearest CAB.For more information about what you can do about discrimination because of your religion at work, including making a claim to an employment tribunal, see What can I do if my employer treats me unfairly because of religion or belief? In Employment fact sheets.For more information about taking out a grievance at work, see Sorting out problems at work.
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