Half of the studies (11) used mist nets. Two studies used
ultrasound detectors, two studies used harp traps, and seven
studies used two or more methods combined (Table 1). Considering
the number of species captured (richness) with each
sampling method, there was a significant difference (F = 7.35;p < 0.012). In studies that used one single sampling method,
the number of species captured ranged from three to 35.
With two methods the range was broader: from two to 78
species. We observed the smallest range in studies that used
three methods: from 18 to 30 species. We found different
ways to describe the sampling effort. For example, Clarke
et al. (2005a) described it as netshours, Presley et al. (2009) as
netsmetershours, and Kumaran et al. (2011) as nets × night.
This lack of standardization hinders comparisons between