The study findings were as follows: 1) 91.7% working close to home were the main reason for selection task, proportion of dental jobs per the others was 66.5:33.5 (SD=18.2) and quality of working life was at a moderate level because average score was 3.7 (SD=0.5). 3.0 points (SD=0.5) was the lowest scores, that was item of adequate and fair compensation 2) Evaluation of TOHA’s commanders, 89.3% affordable dental work and the others were the main reason of employment and 57.7 % of TOHA operated dental job more than the others. Average score of TOHA’s performance was 4.4 (S.D.= 0.4), that was at a high level. It wasn’t found low level of performance items. 3) Average score of client satisfactions was 4.0 (S.D.= 0.5) which was at a high level and it was found that two items of maximum percentage of client satisfactions were total satisfactions and oral instructions of disease and treatment ,these were 83.8% and 82.6% respectively