Dearest Rob
My lovely young at heart boy friend. Iwend to pattaya today midday to run for pass-port everything fine. It will take about 7-10 days, then i have to come back taking my pass-port later. Now you can see what is that mean, it means i want to go with you every where you want. Surely i can stay in any heaven if there is Rob in it. My plan from now is to be ready for the whole world, any places, any time with you. Then got to find a good nany for cherry to look after her starting from now at least 3-4 months because i do not know what is the next scedule of you, you may addjust on your convenience, the best thing to do is cherry have to stay away from me for some moment. Both nany and cherry got to go together well before i leave thailand, if without me she has to stay still, i want them to get used to of each other, so to hire the nany for 3-4 months is nesscessary, and i should have not to worry with her when I'm away with you. Then i can make you happy as my don't worry i can manage this I'd told you cherry and Rob are most important for me on different side, so from now I'll do my best to be with you. One thing you asked me to let you know about the ex pences for making pass-port, the whole expencns including with the paper worrs, the photo, fee charge, taxi service and all many others are around of 10,000 bath. Would you please send me this sum of money as soon as you can. I hope it won't distrube you too much. Now a day I'm sure i can trust you, then my life belong to you as long as you need me. I'm willing for the day you come, and I'll do everything to make you for the reason of my wea il english i can use the translation system when I'm with you, to solve for good understanding
The best thing to do is to love you