At that time, A wanderer named subhadda living in kusinara city , was in doubt that six teachers ; puranakassapa, makkhaligosala, Ajitakesakambala, pakuddhakaccayana, San may a vela tRNA putt a and Wigan than at a putt a were supposed by a lot of people as holy persons. Those six teachers attained Enlightenment or not. So he went to see the buddha and ask that question.
The Buddha said to him that whatever dhammavinaya in which there were no the noble einht fold path, the first samana the second samana, the thrid samana and the fourth samana would not have in that dhammavinaya.
Subhadda asked for ordination. The Buddha assigned it to Anonda by saying that if so let you accept subhadda to became a monk. Anonda followed what the buddha desired. Subhadda ordained in the Buddha's monastory and Attained the final state of holiness.