Current Management Structure
The company is led by a Board of Directors consisting of ten executive and non-executive directors. Francis
Grogan and Carl Irwin, two of the joint directors on the Board, have led the development of the business since
1994. The management team consists of directors with backgrounds in managing public companies. Specific
fundamental, strategic and formal matters are reserved for the board’s decision. The Board has sub-committees
headed by different directors to assist the board in developing strategies that will make the company sustain
profitability in the market. The committees operate within a defined terms of reference as instructed by the
The main emphasis in such terms is to promote the company’s success in the light of strategic, operational,
business and industry issues as they rise from time-to-time and make recommendations to the Board and
ensure strategic goals and objectives shaped at the Board meetings are translated into tactical delivery with
mechanisms for key performance criteria in place to monitor progress. Directors of Zambeef recognize the
value of corporate governance and endorse principles of openness, integrity, transparency, accountability and
the application of high ethical standards in the conduct of business. The directors are of different nationalities
with years of experience in multidisciplinary professions.