Interpersonal Relationships have “Good” and “Bad” element. Good Element of Interpersonal Relationships such as Rapport , Trust , Interdependence , Respect , Flexibility, Honesty , Communication and Empathy. If you have eight thing, you will have a Good Element of Interpersonal Relationships Bad Element of Interpersonal Relationships such as Avoidance , Burnout , Compatibility issues, Devotional void and Forgiveness void. If you have one of these problem you should solve your habit to have good relationship in society. There are five stage of Interpersonal Relationship according to psychologist George Levinger. First stage -Acquaintance, second stage -The Build up Stage, Third stage -The termination stage. Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. Employers often seek to hire staff with strong interpersonal skills they want people who will work well in a team and be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, customers and clients. You should keep and preserve every relationship because every relationship will give a happiness and won't give the problems to your life. And you must control your face, and mood when you feeling not good to your friend or others.