Article IV
1. The Union agrees to arrange for the submission as soon as possible, for
appropriate action, to its congresses or its administrative conferences or commissions,
or to its members, in conformity with the provisions of the Universal
Postal Convention, of all formal recommendations which the United
Nations may make to it. Such recommendations will be addressed to the
Union and not directly to its members.
2. The Union agrees to enter into consultation with the United Nations,
upon request, with respect to such recommendations, and in due course to
report to the United Nations on the action taken by the Union or by its members
to give effect to such recommendations, or on the other results of their
3. The Union will co-operate in whatever further measures may be necessary
to make co-ordination of the activities of specialized agencies and those
of the United Nations fully effective. In particular, it will co-operate with
any body which the Council may establish for the purpose of facilitating
such co-ordination and will furnish such information as may be required for
the carrying out of this purpose.