“This Boss seems to be a berserker type.” Li Mu takes a deep breath: “A level 57 Purple Tier Boss. This one should be stronger than the General of Everlasting Wind. Xiao Yao, will you be able to tank through this?”
I look at my character panel. My palms begin to sweat: “I don’t know. It depends on how lucky I am. If the Boss lands continuous critical hits then even god would not be able to defend against that, let alone me.”
General Ba Qi lifts up his battle axe: ”Doesn’t matter. If you cannot withstand it then I will take your place.”
I shoot him a glance: “You wouldn’t last that long. As a berserker, your defense hasn’t even reached 600.”
Ba Qi scratches his nose: “I know….”
Behind me Who’s Blue says: “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, are you ready?”