the fundamental asset underlying brand equity is customer equity the value of the customer relationships that the brand creates.
Build Strong brands
Brand Positioning
Marketers can position brands at any of three levels.
1.They can position the brand on product attributes.
2.They can position the brand on product with a desirable benefit.
3.They can position the brand on product on beliefs and values.
Brand Name Selection.
Desirable qualities for a brand name include the following. should suggest something about the product's benefits and qualities. should be easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember.
3.The brand name should be distinctive. should be extendable.
5.the name should translate easily into foreign languages. should be capable of registration and legal protection.
Brand Sponsorship
A manufacturer has four sponsorship options.
1.The product may be launches as a manufacturer's brand
2.the manufacturer may sell to resellers who give it a private brand
3.The manufacturer can market licensed brands.
4.two companies can join forces and co-brand a product
National brand versus store Brands.
National brands have long dominated the retail scene. in recent times,an increasing number of retailers and wholesalers have created their own store brands.
Private brand now capture some 22 percent of all north American consumer package goods sales by units.
Private-label apparel captures a 50 percent share of all U.S. apparel sales.