In the analyzed fresh-cut apple samples the yeasts and molds
(YM) were also present in high numbers, ranging from 3.6 to 7.1 log
CFU/g but in relatively lower numbers when compared to bacteria.
According to the characteristics of the colonies, this microbial
population consisted mainly of yeasts. In the case of fresh-cut fruit
analyzed by Abadias et al. (2008), the levels of YM recorded were
between 1.7 and 4.9 log CFU/g. Moreover, Tournas et al. (2006)
observed mean counts higher than 6.0 log CFU/g in fresh cut
cantaloupe, pineapple, watermelon and mixed fruit salads, and of
In the analyzed fresh-cut apple samples the yeasts and molds(YM) were also present in high numbers, ranging from 3.6 to 7.1 logCFU/g but in relatively lower numbers when compared to bacteria.According to the characteristics of the colonies, this microbialpopulation consisted mainly of yeasts. In the case of fresh-cut fruitanalyzed by Abadias et al. (2008), the levels of YM recorded werebetween 1.7 and 4.9 log CFU/g. Moreover, Tournas et al. (2006)observed mean counts higher than 6.0 log CFU/g in fresh cutcantaloupe, pineapple, watermelon and mixed fruit salads, and of
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