Royal Tropics 100 % Natural Mangosteen - No Additives
Why is it called Queen of the Fruits ?
This was derived from Queen Victoria’s fondness for the fruit.
What is its scientific name ?
Garcinia mangostana L.
Where does it come from ?
Mangosteen is an exotic fruit, originating in South East Asia.
Does it have a seed ?
The fruit may be seedless or have 1-5 fully developed seeds (average)
Is it difficult to grow ?
Yes unless in tropical climates and even then it is a seasonal fruit. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 40°F, nor above 100°F
Is it a superfruit ?
Mangosteen has been included among a new category of functional foods, sometimes called “superfruits”. A super fruit is presumed to have a combination of: appealing subjective characteristics, such as taste, fragrance and visual qualities; nutrient richness, antioxidant strength and the potential impact for lowering risk against human diseases.
How long does it take for a tree to grow fruit ?
It takes 15 years for mangosteen to produce
How is it harvested ?
The fruit is picked by hand.
Is it a healthy fruit to eat ?
Yes it does contain certain compounds that are good for the human body.
Why is ChillyFruits Frozen Mangosteen so special ?
It is because mangosteen is a seasonal fruit and very difficult to get out of season. Royal Tropics ChillyFruits are quick frozen and can be stored in your freezer. You can eat them all year round. This is marvelous for restaurants, as well as anyone who wishes to be able to eat it whenever they like. We also get the pick of some of the best fruit in Thailand, so you can be sure Chillyfruits Mangosteen is some of the best mangosteen a round !
Who might buy mangosteen ?
The list is endless and in South East Asia, simply everyone. From children to adults ! It is also enjoyed in restaurants, bars, served with ice cream and added into ice cream. It is a delicious, sweet, juicy tropical fruit that simply melts in your mouth ! Try it….you will not be disappointed.
Is the processing plant government certified ?
Yes. The fruit is grown naturally, picked by hand and transported immediately to the processing plant. There the shell is removed and the juicy fruit frozen. The Royal Tropics processing of IQF Mangosteen is done under GMP Certified, HACCP Certified, and ISO 9001:2000.