Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is the second Harvest Moon game for the Wii console system. Animal Parade is similar to the first Wii game, Tree of Tranquility, and has several upgrades from the previous version. This version does not utilize the Wii-remote's functionality like in Tree of Tranquility, where players would have to swing the wii remote to perform tool actions, nor does it have the large amount of multi-player mini games.
In Japan, the game is called Bokujou Monogatari: Wakuwaku Animal March (牧場物語わくわくアニマルマーチ) and was released on October 31, 2008.
For Harvest Moon fans who live outside of North America (Europe and Australia) Rising Star Games has teamed up with Namco Bandi and will be releaseing Animal Parade in November 2010. Different languages have different release dates; English is November 26 and German is November 19. The game is also being released in Spanish, Italian, and French.