Anaerobic digestion is considered one of the best placed processes to reduce the amount of organic waste
and recovering energy. Kim [3] reported the advantages of anaerobic digestion processes are a low energy
requirement for operation, a low initial investment cost and a low sludge production. In addition,
anaerobic digestion is an effective method that converts organic matters into renewable energy, and
biogas production from organic wastes is known to be an efficient process that has potential to be an
economical and sustainable way for renewable biogas production. Extensive researchers have developed
anaerobic digestion processes using diverse organic wastes as substrates [4-6]. Among the diverse
anaerobic digestion systems, the anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) has been widely developed
and is a self-immobilizing biomass retaining reactor [7-8]. Moreover, ASBR for wastewater treatment
retain a high active biomass concentration in the reactor which enables the application of high OLRs, high
performance and stability compared to conventional anaerobic treatment processes [9]. The objective of
present study was to effects of HRT and substrate concentration on the performance of the laboratoryscale
ASBR was investigated.
Anaerobic digestion is considered one of the best placed processes to reduce the amount of organic wasteand recovering energy. Kim [3] reported the advantages of anaerobic digestion processes are a low energyrequirement for operation, a low initial investment cost and a low sludge production. In addition,anaerobic digestion is an effective method that converts organic matters into renewable energy, andbiogas production from organic wastes is known to be an efficient process that has potential to be aneconomical and sustainable way for renewable biogas production. Extensive researchers have developedanaerobic digestion processes using diverse organic wastes as substrates [4-6]. Among the diverseanaerobic digestion systems, the anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) has been widely developedand is a self-immobilizing biomass retaining reactor [7-8]. Moreover, ASBR for wastewater treatmentretain a high active biomass concentration in the reactor which enables the application of high OLRs, highperformance and stability compared to conventional anaerobic treatment processes [9]. The objective ofpresent study was to effects of HRT and substrate concentration on the performance of the laboratoryscaleASBR was investigated.
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