Why study History
Looking Back gives you a vision of where you want to go
Provides an understanding of the heritage behind Nursing as a career
Highlights the contributions of eminent and inspirational nurses to wards development of the nursing profession
Ancient civilizations& Nursing
Illness earlier was seen as “magic”, “sin” or “punishment”
During 700-600 B.C
Sushruta Samhita
was written by the great surgeon Sushruta, who said
"the physician, the patient, the drugs and the nurse are four feet of `Padas' of the medicine, upon which the cure depends".
The first nursing school started in India in250 B.C. during Charaka's time and only men were considered pure enough to be nurses.
Other civilisations as Egyptians,Babylonians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romansal so shows evidences of nursing care.
Florence Nightingale
Nightingale established nursing school at St.Thomas’ Hospital, London upon return
By 1887, Nightingale had her nurses working in six countries and U.S.
Nightingale developed basic philosophy re:the profession of nursing different from other existing programs
Nightingale was a nurse, philosopher,statistician, historian
Today Nightingale is considered the founder of modern nursing
Military nursing was the earliest type of nursing.
Florence Nightingale had a great in fluence over nursing in India especially in the army.
St Stephens Hospital at Delhi was the first one to begin training the Indian girls as nurses in 1867.
1871, the first School of Nursing was started in Government General Hospital,Madras.
1897, Dr.B.C.Roy did great work in raising the standards of nursing and that of male and female nurses.
1908, the trained nurses association of India was formed
In 1926, Madras State formed the first registration council
The first four year basic Bachelor Degree program were established in 1946 at the college of nursing in Delhi and Vellore.
The Indian Nursing Council was passed by ordinance on December 31st 1947. The council was constituted in 1949.
First master’s degree course, a two-year post graduate program was begun in 1960 at the College of Nursing, Delhi.
1963, the School of Nursing in Trivandrum,instituted the first two years post certificate Bachelor Degree program.