แปลเนื้อเรื่องUnit 3.
-bumps and personalities-
Have you ever been afraid of or attracted to someone just because ofthe way the person looks? When you first meet someone, it is not unusual toreact to his or her appearance. But these are first impressions, and mostpeople assume that it takes time to find out what someone is really like. It ispossible, however, that a person’s appearance reveals more than we realize.According to some experts, a person’s face, head, and body can reveal agreat deal about personality.
Phrenology was developed in the early eighteenth century by FranzJoseph Gall, a doctor in Vienna. His interest began at school when he noticedthat boys with prominent eyes seemed to have the best memories. This ledhim to believe that a connection existed between appearance and ability. Dr.Gall’s research interested many people, but he was ridiculed by otherdoctors. When he died in 1828, he was a poor and bitter man. It was onlymany years later that Dr. Gall’s theories found support among some doctorsand scientists, and today the art of phrenology has become more accepted.