4. Analysis
4.1. Overview of the QWL construct development
A grounded theory approach that can be derived inductively through the systematic collection and analysis of data pertaining to a phenomenon (Strauss and Corbin, 1990) is adopted for this study. Grounded theory methods (Strauss and Corbin, 1990) were used to evolve codes and develop theory. The data analysis phase of this study involved the researcher, and an expert, specialized in HR (human resources) and well versed with the grounded theory methodology. Data collection and item classification was carried out simultaneously. The early coding phase was intentionally kept flexible and reflexive allowing the data to stimulate thinking about themes and their relationships, focusing on the emerging theory and the need for subsequent data collection. Although there are many text analysis software, Microsoft Excel software was employed for critical reasons as follows:
The intention of this study was not to calculate the frequency of occurrence of a theme, rather to list and classify the emerging themes.
As the analysis and comparison of themes were taking place, the spreadsheet provided a glimpse of the various categories and themes within each category.
Insertion of categories, themes into the existing spreadsheet and alphabetic sorting was possible using this software.
Participants offered rich in-depth narratives of their experiences and its essence could be captured only by human psyche and human analysis.