If you run the package, you’ll see that the file is downloaded from the FTP site at Microsoft to your
local file system. In a real-world scenario, you would probably download the file, load it into a SQL
Server, and then archive it. This complete scenario is discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
Web Service Task
The Web Service Task in SSIS is used to retrieve XML-based result sets by executing a method on
a web service. Just like the other tasks we’ve separated out into the Data Preparation Task category
for this chapter, this task only retrieves the data; it doesn’t yet address the need to navigate through
the data, or extract sections of the resulting documents. Web services are a big part of advancing
service-oriented architectures, and they can be used in SSIS to provide real-time validation of data
in your ETL processes or to maintain lookup or dimensional data.
The task requires creation of an HTTP Connection Manager to a specific HTTP endpoint on a
website or to a specific Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file on a website. Because of
this HTTP connection, keep in mind that the task may not work for some locked-down server
environments. If the HTTP Connection Manager doesn’t point to a WSDL file on the site, a local
version must be provided. The WSDL file provides a standard XML-formatted list of available
methods that can be called in the web service. The WSDL file also provides information about what
type of parameters can be used and what results can be expected in return. Figure 3-13 shows how
you can configure the HTTP Connection Manager to access a web service called USZIP at
Figure 3-
If you run the package, you’ll see that the file is downloaded from the FTP site at Microsoft to yourlocal file system. In a real-world scenario, you would probably download the file, load it into a SQLServer, and then archive it. This complete scenario is discussed in detail in Chapter 8.Web Service TaskThe Web Service Task in SSIS is used to retrieve XML-based result sets by executing a method ona web service. Just like the other tasks we’ve separated out into the Data Preparation Task categoryfor this chapter, this task only retrieves the data; it doesn’t yet address the need to navigate throughthe data, or extract sections of the resulting documents. Web services are a big part of advancingservice-oriented architectures, and they can be used in SSIS to provide real-time validation of datain your ETL processes or to maintain lookup or dimensional data.The task requires creation of an HTTP Connection Manager to a specific HTTP endpoint on awebsite or to a specific Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file on a website. Because ofthis HTTP connection, keep in mind that the task may not work for some locked-down serverenvironments. If the HTTP Connection Manager doesn’t point to a WSDL file on the site, a localversion must be provided. The WSDL file provides a standard XML-formatted list of availablemethods that can be called in the web service. The WSDL file also provides information about whattype of parameters can be used and what results can be expected in return. Figure 3-13 shows howyou can configure the HTTP Connection Manager to access a web service called USZIP atwww.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx.Figure 3-
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