Comparative study planned by the usual methods
In summary, it can be said, that even if the guidelines suggest something else, currently there is no best therapy for localized prostate cancer. For that reason, physicians refrain from immediately operating or irradiating each prostate carcinoma, because these invasive therapeutic measures are associated with significant side effects and marked reduction in quality of life. Alternatively, it is proposed to use the „Active Surveillance” method since prostate cancer usually has a long clinical course. However, there are a few cases where it spontaneously proliferates and metastasizes and then an appropriate therapy can be missed. Many patients are aware of this problem and are therefore in search of other treatment options. A side-effect free alternative could be hyperthermia in combination with temporary hormone therapy. We achieved good results with this therapeutic approach as exhibited in our 10-year study during which 85% of the patients showed complete remission and only 15% had a PSA recurrence.
52 Oncothermia