talking about making it official soon."
"So you're saying it's basically Amber and Sofia that are left?" James asked, down-hearted.
"There are others too, but they aren't as popular as Amber and Sofia," Princess Hildegard answered knowingly. Leave it to her to know all the gossip.
The group looked back over at Sofia and Hugo, who seemed to be dancing the night away. Anger and jealousy kept growing up more and more inside of James as he watched them. How dare Hugo dance with Sofia! He fumed, she's MINE. Then he saw Hugo smile brightly at Sofia and he lost it. He was not going to let Hugo take his sister away!
"That's it!" James yelled. "This ends now." He left the table and stormed off towards the dancing Sofia and Hugo.
Sofia was trying to make her way over to James when Prince Hugo blocked her way.
"Good evening, Princess Sofia. Would you care to dance with me?"
"Good evening, Prince Hugo. I'm sorry, but I really need to speak with James so if you could please…" Sofia tried to move around him, but he blocked her path yet again.
"You get to see him every day, I'm sure whatever you have to say can wait. Besides, I really must speak with you. Please?"
Sofia looked over at James and then back at Hugo, who was pleading with his eyes. She sighed, "Well I guess one dance couldn't hurt-"
"Great!" Hugo interrupted, and swept her into a waltz before she could argue any more. "I need your advice, Sofia."
"On what?"
"Well, since my brother decided to elope with some commoner, my father has named me to be heir."
"I don't see the problem," Sofia stated. "I thought you wanted to be king?"
"Oh, I do." Hugo bragged, "However, my father informed me that before I can be crowned King I have to pick a fiancé. I think you know who my first choice is, don't you?"
Sofia felt all the color drain from her face. Surely he can't mean me, can he? She thought to herself, but I can't marry him, I love James!
"I'm sorry Hugo, but I can't return your feelings. There's someone else I like, you see, so-"
"I don't mean you!" Hugo scolded, shocking Sofia.
"Okay… then if you don't mean me, why are you telling me this?"
Hugo rolled his eyes, annoying Sofia. "I'm telling you because I need your help wooing the girl I do want to ask! You two are really close so I thought you could give me some tips on how to get her to like me."
"Okay…" Sofia answered warily, "Who do you want to impress?"
Prince Hugo looked over Sofia's shoulder back at the buffet table where James and Zandar were talking with Amber's group of friends. "Your step-sister, Amber."
"Wait, what?! You like Amber?" Sofia yelled out in surprise.
Hugo quickly covered her mouth with his hand, "Shh! Keep it down, I don't want the whole school to know!"
Sofia wriggled free and caught her breath. "Not that I don't support you, but why do you like Amber, Hugo?"
"She's beautiful, domineering, strong," he smiled at her, "with a charming personality to match my own, I just know we could lead my country to greatness."
"Well you do seem sincere…alright, I'll help you. But on one condition!"
"Of course. What is it?"
"You can't be mean to James anymore," Sofia ordered.
Hugo and James had never really gotten along, especially after Sofia came to the castle, and it had only gotten worse over time. They competed against each other every chance they could. Not to mention the years of prank wars that commenced between them. They did not like each other. Sofia hoped though that they could be friends, if they stopped fighting, and this was her best chance of making that happen. After all, if he did marry Amber, they would be brothers-in-law, so it'd be better if they got along.
Hugo frowned, "That's near impossible, Princess Sofia. I don't want to force myself to be nice to that clown."
"James is not a clown!" Sofia protested, "And if you don't agree to the terms, then I can't help you with Amber."
"Fine, I won't unnecessarily be mean to your brother…" Hugo agreed grudgingly.
"Good enough. It's a deal," Sofia smiled, and held out her hand. Prince Hugo reached out to shake it when another person grabbed Sofia's hand instead.
"I think you've hogged my sister long enough, Hugo." James glared down at the prince.
"Actually, I don't think I've kept her from you long enough. Maybe I should take her back to my castle so we can be away from meddlesome brothers such as yourself." Hugo threatened.
"You will do no such thing!" James roared as he grabbed Hugo by the scruff of his suit.
"James!" Sofia exclaimed, and pulled him off of Hugo, "He didn't mean that. And Hugo, you promised me you'd be nice, remember?"
Prince Hugo gritted his teeth. "As you wish, Princess Sofia. By all means James, take your turn."
"I don't need you to give me permission!" James growled. "Come on, Sof. Let's dance."
"Wait, I have to tell Hugo something first." Sofia told him. After all, she did promise to give Hugo advice.
"Please James, it'll just take a sec!" Sofia looked at him with pleading