The language used in Thailand from the past to the present. Our own national language Or simply in Thailand In our world, there are a variety of cultures. diversified wisdom And the various Of course, Each country or region would have used different language to. But there is only one language, the language of the medium. This means that All countries in the language used to communicate and understand each other, that is the English language itself. The English came from Europe. The country is the continent or in close proximity. I can speak English There are also many other countries where English is the national language, the question is why the English language as the medium of the world? That is why from the historical long ago. In those countries where English is very influential. And many countries Because in the history of humanity, a war very often. Many foreign powers can occupy a country that has lost the war. Occupied countries will have the privilege of using the English occupation is one that is causing the most influential English. Thailand is why people speak English less. In other words, do not The reason was partly based on the history as well, is that Thailand was never in any possession. The rarely used English But that was just an excuse only. Because many Asian countries that do not use English as the national language. But on average, able to speak English fluently than Thailand. In addition to the claims about history, there are also two other people to the group why it's can not used English language.