Discretionary Entrance
The Discretionary Entrance Regulations were published in July 2002 and came into force in 2003. They provide a route to university study for students who have not continued secondary education beyond Year 12. The chief features of the regulations are as follows:
They apply only to New Zealand or Australian citizens and permanent residents under 20 years of age.
Applicants must have a minimum of 14 credits in an approved subject at Level 2 towards NCEA.
Applicants must also have met the literacy and numeracy standards required for University Entrance.
Application must be made to the university of choice and a fee may be payable.
A reference from a school principal or other suitable person is required and there may be an interview.
Admission will be at the discretion of the university concerned, with the proviso that a student who has undertaken Year 13 study beyond 1 June at a New Zealand
secondary school may normally not be admitted under the Discretionary Entrance provisions before July in the following year.