Colorful Sugar Water Density Tower
Sick Science! Summer Camp - Cooking up Kitchen science with sugar water
Stay inside and beat the heat or stay dry on a rainy day while testing the density of sugar water. This experiment is perfect kitchen science – it uses materials found in your pantry. We used Steve Spangler Science materials in conducting our experiment. We used four different density mixtures, but you can use as many as you want.
• Clear glass or Jumbo Test Tube
• Pipettes or droppers
• Sugar
• Measuring spoons
• Food coloring or True Color Tablets
• 4 small cups
1. Fill your cups with 1 cup of warm water and add food coloring to the water. You want a different color for each density. We used blue, green, yellow and red.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the 1st cup, 4 tablespoons to the 2nd cup, 6 tablespoons to the 3rd cup and 8 tablespoons to the last cup. Our colors were:
* Blue – 2 tablespoons
* Yellow – 4 tablespoons
* Red – 6 tablespoons
* Green – 8 tablespoons
3. Label each cup with the amount of sugar added.
4. Stir the water until the sugar is dissolved. It is crutial that all of the sugar is dissolved in each cup. You may need to supersaturate the sugar water solution to get all of the sugar to dissolve. Place the cup in the microwave for 20-30 seconds to warm the water and dissolve more sugar. Continue stirring until all of the sugar is gone.
5. Start with the cup with the most sugar. Using a pipette, dropper or back of a spoon, begin adding the first layer of sugar water.
6. After the first layer, things get challenging. Carefully drip the next dense layer onto the surface of the first. The best technique is to place the pipette right above the surface of the first layer and against the glass. Slowly drip the next color onto the first. This will take a lot of patience. Go slow.
7. The colors will begin to mix at first and then your original color will start to show.
8. Repeat with the next dense color and the least dense color until you have stacked all of the colors.