Australia timeline
40,000 BC - THe first Aborigines arrive from south-east Asia.
1788 - British Navy captain Arthur Phillip founds a penal settlement at Sydney. He had arrived with a fleet of 11 vessels, carrying nearly 800 convicts.
1829- Colony of Western Australia established at Perth by Captain James Stirling.
1836- South Australia established, with Adelaid as its capital.
1850s- Gold is found at several locations leading to gold rushes throughout the decade.
1901- THe country is unified. the Commonwealth of Australia comes into being on 1st January.
1911- Canberra is founded and designated as the capital.
1914- Outbreak Of World War I.
1939- Australia follows Britain's lead and declares war on NAzi Germany.
2000- Australia hosts the Olympic GAmes in Sydney, the most popular ever.
2001 January- Australia celebrates 100 years since its inauguration as the Commonwealth of Australia.