Echenagucia et al. [24] proposed an integrative approach for the
early stages of building design by means of genetic algorithm, with
COP coefficient of performance
C1 cognitive learning factor
C2 social learning factor
CMI current motion influence
Fð~xÞ objective function vector
Fws composite function
f iðxÞmin minimum value of the ith objective function
f iðxÞmax maximum value of the ith objective function
Gbest global best position
~gð~xÞ inequality constraints vector
ð~xÞ equality constraints vector
k number of objective functions
ki weighting coefficient
m number of inequality constraints
n number of decision variables
Pbest personal best position
PMI particle memory influence
q number of equality constraints
r random element
S feasible criterion space
SI swarm influence
t time
viðtÞ velocity of ith particle
w weighted inertia
xiðtÞ position of ith particle
~x decision variables vector
X feasible decision space