(batches III, IV, and V). Ethanol production and yield
obtained during fermentation of batch VI with or
without nutrients or other vitamins and stillage concentrate
supplementation are summarized in Table 4.
When the hydrolyzate was fermented without nutrient
supplements, 10 g/l ethanol was obtained. Supplementing
the medium with only biotin and thiamine slightly
enhanced ethanol concentration to 12 g/l (Table 4).
However, yeast growth was nearly identical under all of
these conditions. Similarly, supplementing with 0.53 g/l
nutrients (YNB + total nitrogen supplements) with thiamine
and biotin caused only a slight increase in ethanol
production. Recycling of stillage concentrate (prepared
by concentrating post-fermentation medium as a source
of residual sugars and other nutrients) during fermentation
of hydrolyzate (batch VI, pH 5.1) with recycled
cells and 10 mg/l zinc was found to be useful since it
supported yeast growth and produced 20 g/l ethanol.