Even cigarette packets display the warning mentioning the harmful effects of smoking. But nobody realized it yet . After a period of time smoking start affecting its smoker’s health. Many people become chain smokers. First of all, Nicotine present in the cigarette causes cancer, asthma, damages heart, brain, liver and lungs. Another effect of smoking is a smokers are ready to pay a large part of their earning to buy a packet of cigarette. The family members of these people are also forced to inhale the smoke that they exhale. Smoking causes a lot of problem in the digestive system of the body. Smokers generally have bad breathe, smelly room, smelly hair and smelly clothes. Finally, smoking makes your teeth look brown or yellow. It is very difficult to remove cigarette stain from the teeth. Even spending a lot of money does not help. Distinguished teeth depict an unhygienic image. It makes people look more than their actual age. Many people are not aware of these facts when they start smoking and they ignore effect of smoking .