Platelet count should be determined before plateletpheresis and
should not be below 150,000 / ul.
Total and differential white cell count should be normal.
Persons who have ingested aspirin or similar anti-platelet drugs in the
last 72 hours shold not be suitable for plateletpheresis.
Donors with personal and family history of bleeding tendency should
not be suitable for plateletpheresis.
Before leukapheresis total white blood cells counts should be 4000 /ul
with normal differential count.
In serial pheresis a minimum interval should be of 48 hours and not
more than two procedures in a week should be allowed.
A participant of such a programme donates a unit of blood or if it has
not been possible to reinfuse the red cells during a pheresis procedure
should not be accepted for cytapheresis for 12 weeks.