Section 131
[Arrest Notice]
(1) On the basis of a warrant of arrest or a placement order, the judge or the public prosecution office, and in exigent circumstances the officials assisting it (section 152 of the Courts Constitution Act), may issue an arrest notice.
(2) If the prerequisites are fulfilled for a warrant of arrest or a placement order the issuance of which cannot be awaited without endangering the success of the investigations, the public prosecution office and the officials assisting it (section 152 of the Courts Constitution Act) can order measures pursuant to subsection (1) if this is necessary for a provisional arrest. The decision on issuance of a warrant of arrest or a placement order shall be obtained without delay and at the latest within one week.
(3) In the case of a criminal offence of substantial significance the judge and the public prosecution office may, in the cases referred to in subsections (1) and (2), order public searches where other means of determining the accused’s whereabouts would offer much less prospect of success or be much more difficult. In exigent circumstances and where the judge or the public prosecution office cannot be reached in time, the officials assisting the public prosecution office (section 152 of the Courts Constitution Act) shall also be entitled to exercise this power subject to the same conditions. In the cases referred to in the second sentence the decision of the public prosecution office shall be obtained without delay. The order shall become ineffective if not confirmed within twenty-four hours.
(4) The accused shall be named and, where necessary, described as accurately as possible; a picture may be attached. The offence of which he is suspected, the place and time of its commission, as well as circumstances that may be relevant for his apprehension can be indicated.
(5) Sections 115 and 115a shall apply mutatis mutandis.