Consider the set B of 16 x 16 Franklin squares obtained by applying the symmetry operations listed in Theorem 3.1 to the squares constructed by applying Lemma 2.1 to the ninety-eight elements of the minimal Hilbert basis of 8 x 8 Franklin squares (for example, S1 in Figure 11 is constructed from the 8 x 8 Franklin square T l in Figure 8) and the 16 x 16 Franklin squares S2 and S3 in Figure 11. Observe that one-fourth the magic sum of a 16 x 16 Franklin square is always an integer because its 2 x 2 subsquares add to this number. This implies that the squares in B are irreducible, for they have magic sums 8 or 12 (it is easy to verify that there are no 16 x 16 Franklin squares of magic sum 4). Therefore, B is a subset of the minimal Hilbert basis for the cone of 16 x 16 Franklin squares. Thus, B forms a partial Hilbert basis.