Another myth is that sexual problems are just part of normal
aging, with no solutions, so why bother talking to your doctor
about it? Physicians are trained to address issues of sexuality in an
unbiased, empathetic, and non-judgmental manner. Patients
should not feel embarrassed to bring these issues up during their
regular appointments. Treatments, medications, or other solutions
may be available to improve or solve the problem. Many medications
contribute to reducing sexual drive or the ability to have an
erection; therefore medication changes can sometimes make dramatic
Another myth is that sexual problems are just part of normalaging, with no solutions, so why bother talking to your doctorabout it? Physicians are trained to address issues of sexuality in anunbiased, empathetic, and non-judgmental manner. Patientsshould not feel embarrassed to bring these issues up during theirregular appointments. Treatments, medications, or other solutionsmay be available to improve or solve the problem. Many medicationscontribute to reducing sexual drive or the ability to have anerection; therefore medication changes can sometimes make dramaticimprovements.
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