Among all respondents who stayed in a hotel in the US within the last 12 months, two
thirds (66.4 percent) were female and one third were male (33.6 percent) (Table I). A
total of 48.4 percent of the respondents were married and 38.3 percent were single.
Most frequently reported age category was between 45 and 54 years old (23.3 percent),
22.1 percent were between 18 and 24. Education characteristics were as follows: 34.1
percent of the respondents completed some college, 25.6 percent held bachelor’s degree
and 13.8 percent held associate degree. One quarter (26.5 percent) of the respondents
reported their annual income to be in the range from $25,001 to $50,000, another
quarter (23.5 percent) indicated it to be $25,000 or less.
From the perspective of travel characteristics, 45.6 percent