I just got a phone call from Nissin saying, “A shipment from Thailand will be delivered on November 4th.”
I got so embarrased to tell that to receiving team. We all had expected to have them delivered today.
We had put other stuffs aside to take care of today’s shipment.
For the previous shipments, your ETA and ETD dates were correct : we usually had the shipment delivered on
that ETD date as you’d notified. I was able to give a few day advanced notice to receiving staff.
But it was not the same this time. I wonder what happened.
I would admit that the delivery schedule we’d requested you originally for November order was November 3.
However, since you gave me info, “ETD Itoh, Japan : Oct. 31, 2014”, I naturally thought you had expedited its
delivery, then they would be coming in ealier than planned.
I even wonder if you actualy shipped them on October 28th, or SIAM NISTRANS put them on hold in order to
let them arrive on November 4th ? Or, wasn’t the information on your mail of October 28th simply wrong ?
For the future shipment Itoh Japan will receive, I do want to avoid this type of error.
For prevention
1. You keep track of what you shipped through the freight forwarder, Siam Nistrans.
Tracing shipment used to be quite easy when you sent parts through DHL, right ?
2. I contact to NISSIN whereabouts of the shipment.
(I’m afraid that the time NISSIN assures may be too late (just one day before its delivery) for us to accept.)
Do you happen to have any better idea ? If you do, please let me know.