Rose- That all sounds great. Who do we talk to about your arrival day? The later the better for us too because I am a school teacher your one year would end in February and I'd have to find someone else for 4 months unless you decided to stay a second year :) We would love to find someone great to join our family for two years. I can help you a lot with your English :)
1- We of course would not get upset if you didn't understand something. I am very patient with that since I teach people English. We just want you to be open and ask questions.
2- If you made a mistake it would be ok too. I don't think you will though because I will be home with you for a couple of months and can show you everything you need to know :)
We live in a really great neighborhood for Au pairs. There are a lot around and so many things to do.
Let's set a time to skype. Can you skype tonight? 7pm our time? I'm not sure what time that would be your time. Let me know and we can try to set up a time to chat! Thanks!~
Do you have any questions for me???
I wanted to give you a brief description of your schedule. For the first two months it would be pretty easy because I will be home too and can help you and get you comfortable. I would probably take a different kid with me everyday to go do a fun activity and then maybe go to the gym and run errands and maybe my husband my and I would do some dinner/date nights. We would let you have most weekends for yourself to explore, study, see friends and whatever else. We would porbably only use you one weekend a month :) In May and June I will be back at work after maternity leave so you would have all three kids from 9-4:30/5 ish except on Monday and Tuesday my daughter is in Pre School. End of June I am off for summer July and August wouldn't be set schedules again but I could give you your schedule a week in advance. We would also probably give you one of your week vacations then :) I go back to work first of September and then it would be all three kids again except my daughter and son would be in school 2-3 days a week so you would only have the baby those three days. Just wanted you to see your schedule :)