Each panelist evaluated three replicates of all formulae; the sample
presentation orderwas randomized for each panelist. Tapwaterwas
provided between samples to cleanse the palate. The attributes measured
and their descriptors were as follows: for “external evaluation”:
color intensity (from extremely light to extremely dark) and brightness
(from dull to bright); for “taste”: fattiness (from imperceptible to
extremely intense), flavor (from imperceptible to extremely intense)
and taste intensity (from imperceptible to extremely intense): for
“texture”: chewiness (from imperceptible to extremely chew), granularity
(from imperceptible to extremely grainy) and juiciness (from extremely
dry to extremely moist). At the end of the test, the panelists
were asked to give a score for overall acceptability of the product from
1 to 7.