Koh Mak to Koh Kham
Speed boats leave Koh Mak to Koh Kham daily, the first at 10.30 the second at 13.30. Return fares cost 200 Baht including island entrance fee and free drink (Apr 14). The return journey is 3 hours after, which is a long time to spend on such a small island. We therefore opt for the more adventurous option travelling by the free Kayak hire at our hotel located opposite on Suan Yai Beach (Koh Mak). The distance from Koh Mak to Koh Kham is 1km and by Kayak it takes roughly 20 mins. Lots of coral fish and spiny sea urchins along the way. If you arrive to the front beach, and be sneaky, you could probably avoid the 100 Baht entrance fee payable at the kiosk near the front right pier.