4.4.2. Pre-Post Test Comparison of VAS Scores in Group A.The intragroup comparison of pain intensity as measured by VAS at the end of treatment intervention in Group A,
presented in Tables 6(a) and 6(b), shows that there was a definitive reduction in the pain intensity at the end of 4 weeks of supervised exercise program. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
4.4.3. Pre-Post Test Comparison of VAS Scores in Group B. The intragroup comparison of pain intensity as measured by VAS at the end of treatment intervention in Group B, presented in Tables 7(a) and 7(b), shows that there was a definitive reduction in the pain intensity at the end of 4 weeks of Cyriax physiotherapy treatment. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
4.4.4. Posttest Comparison of VAS Scores between the Groups.The results of the posttest intergroup comparison of pain intensity as measured by VAS are presented in Tables 8(a)
and 8(b). Though both groups showed significant reduction in pain when compared to the pretest score, the intergroup