Chapter 6
Communication vignettes Real Thai and And American communication episodes with theoretical explanations.
This chis chapter contains a collection of vignettes describing various interpersonal communication episodes in Thailand and the United States. As we have learned, the role of cultural values operates almost automatically when people remain within the comfort of their own culture. When people leave their homes to visit other culture, however, cultural values emerge as an important factor in explaining human behavior. Hotfstede (2001) described the conditions well. He used the comparison of culture to people and people and fish only when they are out of it. Just as a fish thrashes about when taken from his normal and familiar habitat, so do people react when they find themselves in a culture other than their home. The following stories describe people as fish out of eater, people away from their home culture. The poignant stories are all true, but individuals names have been changed to insure the privacy of the individuals involved. Following each vignette, you will find an explanation of the events through the application of the theoretical ideas you have leaned previously in this book.
We must repeat our disclaimer, however. Of course, not all Thai people behave according to Thai cultural values anymore than all American cultural values. While the stories presented here are genuine, thai or American culture.We present the various intercultural communication theories can be applied explain to explain and understand the behavior of people outside of their home cultures.
Vinette One: Thai and American Conversation in a Bar
Years ago, when Tom and Phan first met, they were enjoying an evening together in one of Bangkok’s pubs. Tom was quite talkative, but Phan did not say much. Phan clearly showed interest in what Tom said by smiles, head nods, and immediate eye contact, but Tom did most of the talking. After a while, Tom stopped speaking and remained silent for quite some time. Phan also said nothing. After some minutes passed,Phan said, “MY brother is comeing to visit.