Please be advised that Petroleum Thai Corporation Co., Ltd. is studying on how to make their service station more modern and improve their current service stations which had opened for a long time.
Based on the above information. Super Central Gas Co., Ltd. Would like to invite PTG for plant visit at TATSUNO YOKOHAMA, JAPAN for study of new type of dispenser model SUNNY-NX which developed from model SUNNY-NEO, designing of service station, self service station, designing technic for design limited area service station and new technologies which developed by TATSUNO ex. HYDROGEN DISPENSER, BATTERY CHARGER etc.
Petroleum Thai Corporation Co., Ltd. Plan to send 5 personels to go Plant Observation. And the estimate visit time will be around November 2015 to January 2016. All expense during the trip will be responsible of TATSUNO THAILAND, TATSUNO JAPAN and Super Central Gas Co., Ltd.
Please bindly be informed of the above information